Thursday, May 1, 2008


today was okay. i hate my job.

I got to work and had my usual iced coffee/skim/splenda (did I decide on 50? I never remember) and then ate a little under a cup of blueberries (probably around 70 cals) and some actually really delicious ravioli from Lean Cuisine (240 I think? I don't remember). About 360 I guess for the day. There were some gourmet cupcakes at work. Now, I'm lucky because I generally don't like sweets, but gourmet cupcakes are one thing that does tempt me. I resisted though and just stared at them for a while. I've been getting good at eating with my eyes. When I get the urge to get something from the vending machine, I just go and stare at it. It makes me realize that the walk over to the vending machine is much more enjoyable than the actual eating of anything I might buy.

My friend Patty told me today that I was "looking quite svelt". I still don't know how much I weigh, so I'm not sure if I'm losing, but I hope I am. My jeans that I have been trying to fit into finally fit today. They're still tight, but I can wear them comfortably. I should get a pair a size smaller now as an incentive.

I want to buy a scale but I want to do it secretly for two reasons. One, I don't want my roommates to use it and start talking about their weights. Two, most of my friends know that I was anorexic years ago, I used to be pretty open about my recovery. I'm scared that my weight loss coupled with them knowing that I'm buying a scale might make them worried about me. I can't have them worried, that will make this whole thing a lot harder. I guess I could get one at Target and hide it under my bed.

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