Sunday, January 27, 2008

... too... much... light...

I have one of those hangovers that makes me want to put on sunglasses when walking through a lighted room. It's pretty terrible.... how did this hangover come to pass?

Last night I met up with a bunch of people at Jill's apartment. I drank 2/3 of a bottle of wine before even making it to the bar. We went to Bushwick Country Club, which was ridiculously crowded. I drank PBRs. I start doing the shitty coke I had in the bathroom. A bunch of people from work showed up. We moved it to Art Land. A guy who had just gotten back from Iraq gave me a rose he had bought for his wife. Larry, Myka, Ruben, Michael Brady, Theresa, Jackie and I decided we needed more excitement so we went to Royal Oak.

Larry called the new coke dealer whose number I had just recieved a few nights ago. We drank and waited for him to show up and danced. I went to the bathroom and was absolutely disgusted by what I saw in the mirror. I did more coke.

The bar closed and Larry, Myka, Ruben and I took a cab to my place. We drank and did massive amounts of coke all night. You know its a coke night when you got to get more beer once the bodegas open in the morning. Not only did I go, I begged to be allowed to buy it. Pathetic. At 9am, they left my apartment.

I am such an addict.

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