Monday, January 28, 2008

They were here.

I got home from work last night and I could tell they were here. Daniele's door was closed and there were fancy beer bottles next to the couch. I could hear them whispering. I ran into my room and turned up the tv and chugged one of those fucking fancy beers.

A little back story:

Ryan D and I met last year at work and started dating almost immediately. I fell pretty hard. He dumped me about a month and a half later because he "didn't want a girlfriend". I, of course, took the whole thing very badly and cried and assumed there was something wrong with or repulsive about me that left me rejected once again.

Of course Daniele was one of the people I talked to about this, though she had never met him.

A few months went by, and tempers cooled, and Ryan D and I started hanging out again. I liked hanging out with him because he was sweet to me and very protective.

One day, Daniele met me out at Subway Bar. I was with a bunch of Ryan D's friends. Daniele hooked up with Ryan D's buddy Dan. He dumped her within a few weeks, and directly after, Daniele hooked up with Ryan D's roommate (and good friend of Dan's) Vance. She dumped him nearly directly after.

Soon enough, we were all friends and things were fine.

But now Daniele and Ryan D are dating. She knows about my history with him and how upset I was when he dumped me. Not like she cares, selfish bitch. The only thing she might possibly care about at any given time is herself and how much boys like her, and how much better than her friends she is.

So now I have to deal with the two of them in my apartment, a place I can't escape from. And I've lost two of my best friends.

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